Once a graphic has been added into the openbadges.me graphics area, either through the graphics designer or uploading, it can be managed. There is no limit to the number of badge graphics held within the openbadges.me graphics area and management functions support the organisation and housekeeping of them.
A badge graphic needs to be published before it can become available for use within the badge definition process. A badge graphic is considered to be in a draft state until it is published. While in a draft, a graphic can be be changed and worked on. Once published a graphic cannot be amended in any way.
At any point, published badge graphics can be withdrawn, making them no longer available for selection as part of the badge definition process. A withdrawn badge can be republished, so making it available for use again.
Any published or withdrawn badge graphic can be downloaded from the openbadges.me graphics area.
Any published or withdrawn badge graphic can be cloned or copied to create the basis of a brand new badge graphic.
Regardless of status (draft, published, withdrawn), a badge graphic can be previewed. A preview shows the badge graphic as would display when issued to a badge recipient. If the graphic has been published or withdrawn, preview will show a summary of which open badges the graphic has been used on. It is possible for a single badge graphic to be used on any number of defined open badges.